COPEL - Companhia Paranaense de Energia COPEL – Companhia Paranaense de Energia



Suppliers are all the organizations, companies, or individuals that provide goods or services that will be used in the company’s supply chain [1]. Distributors, retailers, and service providers are also considered suppliers.

The contemporary concepts of corporate sustainability and responsibility see suppliers as corporate partners. Thus, these concepts are present all along the production chain. Human rights, fair work relations, environmental preservation, ethics, and corporate disclosure are notions that must be ensured not only by Copel’s employees, but also by all its suppliers and its suppliers’ suppliers.

In this new approach, suppliers and customers must join efforts in order to promote mutual development in areas that are essential to successful business management. This way, Copel is engaged in establishing communication and collaboration along its production chain, so that we can all advance in the promotion of corporate and global sustainability. This rapport can be developed through the following channels.


[1] Global Reporting Initiative - G4 Online - Glossary

Publicado em 29.01.19

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