COPEL - Companhia Paranaense de Energia COPEL – Companhia Paranaense de Energia


Corporate Sustainability in Copel

Committed to the development, Copel, besides providing power and telecommunication solutions to the entire population in Paraná, promotes economic growth with social and environmental responsibility, in line with its Sustainability and Corporate Citizenship Policy.

Its path towards sustainability started long ago, developing actions that prioritize the care towards communities surrounding their ventures concerning their culture, social inclusion, fauna and flora, reaffirming its commitment to social and economic development of Paraná and other states where it is present, serving the population with quality and contributing to the well being of the communities where it operates.

Believing that sustainable companies add value and strengthen its brand, gaining better position to face eventual economic, social and environmental risks, Copel reaffirms that managing for sustainability is the path that can provide the society, the environment and other stakeholders the opportunity to enjoy, as partners, of the Company's growth and development.

Because of its way of thinking and acting, Copel became a signatory of the Global Compact in 2000, pledging to act now and in the future, focusing on sustainability, basing its strategic planning on the same principles.

With that as a goal, the Company invests in responsible management with integrated and balanced action towards all stakeholders, striving for transparency in its relationships. Copel adopted the Global Reporting Initiative - GRI guidelines to prepare its Management and Sustainability Report obtaining, as the main result, the market's perception and confidence that its business is conducted in an ethical, responsible and socially supportive manner.

Last update 06.24.21

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