COPEL - Companhia Paranaense de Energia COPEL – Companhia Paranaense de Energia


    Search tool

    How to use the site search tool.

    To search the site, type the terms in the search box. The system will look for the words in the order they were typed.

    For example, a search for “wind power” will show all the documents containing the term, but not those containing only “wind” or “power” separately or in a different order.

    The system is not accent- or case-sensitive. You can use ALT + B to access the search box on any page of the site.

    You can make a more detailed search by using other search engines, like Google. To do so, you only need to type the terms and limit the search to Copel’s website, as follows:

    This search will only show the results for Copel's website.

    The search results will show the title of the document, the section of the site where it is located and a brief description of its content:

Last update 01.08.15

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