COPEL - Companhia Paranaense de Energia COPEL – Companhia Paranaense de Energia

A Copel


Summary of Tariff Adjustments:

Ministerial Directive/ Resolution
Dates in Effect
Percentage Adjustment
Resolution 2094/2016
- Average adjustment of -13.05%
Resolution 1897/2015
- Average adjustment of 15.32%
Resolution 1858/2015
- Average adjustment of 36.79%
Resolution 1763/2014
- Average adjustment of 24.86%
Resolution 1565/2013
- Average adjustment of 9.55%
Resolution 1431/2013
- Average adjustment of -19.28%
Resolution 1296/2012
- Average adjustment of -0.65%
Resolution 1158/2011
- Average adjustment of 5.55%
Resolution 1015/2010
- Average adjustment of 9.74%
Resolution 839/2009
- Average adjustment of 11.42%
Resolution 663/2008
- Average adjustment of - 3.35%
Resolution 479/2007
07/24/2007 onward
- Average adjustment of - 1.22%
Resolution 345/2006
06/24/2006 to 06/23/2007
- Average adjustment of 5.12%
Resolution 130a 2005 (prompt-paying customers)
08/01/2005 to 06/23/2006
- For prompt-paying customers, average adjustment of 4.4% (average discount of 6.8% in relation to ANEEL Resolution 130/05)
Resolution 146a 2005 (prompt-paying customers)

Resolution 130 Normal (overdue customers)

Resolution ANEEL 130/05

06/24/2005 to

06/24/2005 to
- For prompt-paying customers, maintenance of discounts for timely payments contained in Resolution 146a (prompt-paying customers).

- For overdue customers, tariffs contained in ANEEL Resolution 130/05.
- Average adjustment of 7.80%.
Resolution 146i (overdue customers)

    Resolution 146a (prompt-paying customers)
    02/01/2005 to 06/23/2005
    - The discount for overdue customers clients was cancelled. The average adjustment is 2.2% in relation to the tariffs contained in Resolution 146i practiced through January 2005. The tariffs of ANEEL Resolution 146/04 dated June 21, 2004 will be applied, with no discount.

    - For prompt-paying customers clients, the average discount becomes 8.20% in relation to the tariffs contained in ANEEL Resolution 146/04 dated June 21, 2004. The average adjustment is 5.0% in relation to ANEEL Resolution 146a applied through January 2005.

    Note: Copel announces that it may reduce or cancel these discounts at any time, by means of a notice on the actual electricity bill.
    Resolution ANEEL 146/04

    Resolution 146i (overdue customers)

    Resolution 146a (prompt-paying customers)
    06/24/2004 to 01/31/2005
    - Average adjustment of 14.43% in relation to the tariffs contained in Resolution 284/03.
    - With the application of the discounts of 2.2% for all clients and of 12.5% for prompt-paying customers clients, the adjustments are as follows:
    - For overdue customers clients the average adjustment is 11.9% in relation to the tariffs contained in Resolution 284/03.
    - For prompt-paying customers clients the average adjustment is 9% in relation to the tariffs contained in Resolution 284 I dated 01/01/2004.
    Resolution ANEEL 284/03
    (overdue customers)

    Resolution 284 I (prompt-paying customers)

    06/24/2003 to 06/24/2004

    01/01/2004 to 06/24/2004
    - Average adjustment of 25.27% in relation to Appendix II of Resolution 336/02.
    - For overdue customers clients the average adjustment is 25.27% in relation to Resolution 336/02.
    - For prompt-paying customers clients, up until 31/12/2003, the average adjustment of 25.27% was applied and deducted in equal amounts as a discount. Starting on 01/01/2004, the discount began to be 8.2%, which is equal to the application of an average adjustment of 15.00% (Res. 284 I).
    Resolution 336/02
    06/24/2002 to 23/06/2003
    10.96% in relation to Resolution 226/01
    Resolution 226/01
    06/24/2001 to 06/23/2002
    17.31% in relation to Resolution 239/01
    Resolution 239/00
    06/24/2000 to 06/23/2001
    15.43% in relation to Resolution 220/00 (iv)
    Resolution 220/00
    06/10/2000 to 06/23/2000
    -1.41% in relation to Resolution 194/99 Appendix III (iii)
    Resolution 194/99 Appendix I
    06/10/1999 to 07/07/1999
    Resolution 194/99 Appendix II
    07/08/1999 to 08/06/1999
    11.01% in relation to Ministerial Directive 97/97
    Resolution 194/99 Appendix III
    08/07/1999 to 06/09/2000
    12.65% in relation to Ministerial Directive 97/97 (ii)
    Ministerial Directive 97/97
    04/08/1997 to 06/09/1999
    Ministerial Directive 450/95
    11/07/1995 to 04/07/1997
    11.98% (i)

    (i) Percentage increase in relation to Ministerial Directive 388/94.

    (ii) However, the increase in 1999 was 12.65%.

    (iii) The expected reduction of 2.69% published by the media did not materialize due to the increase of 1% in the Cofins tax rate, leading the actual reduction to be approximately 1.41% in relation to Resolution 194/99 Appendix III.

    (iv) However, the increase in 2000 was 13.80%.

    Last update 08.16.16

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