COPEL - Companhia Paranaense de Energia COPEL – Companhia Paranaense de Energia



In September 2008, Copel's website was made accessible to the visually impaired, in accordance with the accessibility recommendations for the construction or modification of public administration websites and portals, pursuant to Federal Decree 5296 of December 2, 2004.

All the information and services available on our website can be accessed by the visually impaired.


Using Internet Explorer:

1. To go to "Home" press Alt + I.

2. To reach specific content of a page press Alt + C.

3. To reach the main menu press Alt + M.

Using Firefox:

1. To go to "Home" press Alt + Shift + I.

2. To reach specific content of a page press Alt + Shift + C.

3. To reach the main menu press Alt + Shift + M.

By using alternative keys, Firefox forwards you straight to the requested page; Internet Explorer places you on the link, which must be activated by clicking it with the mouse or pressing ENTER in the keyboard.

Screen reader software

The screen reader is a computer program that allows people with visual limitation to access the content of a website. Copel recommends the free software "NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA)" for Windows. The NVDA makes the content accessible through a voice synthesizer and has a portable version that can be performed without installation needed. To download the program, visit:

Last update 01.11.16

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Acesso a InformaçãoCopyright 2011 COPEL Copel no ISE Bovespa Estado do Paraná