COPEL - Companhia Paranaense de Energia COPEL – Companhia Paranaense de Energia

Sala de Imprensa

Global Compact

Copel has been a party to the United Nations’ Global Compact since 2000. Launched in that very year by then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, the Global Compact's goal is to encourage companies, together with other social agents, to contribute to the construction of a more humane and sustainable global economy. This initiative is based on universally recognized rights.

The UN's agencies involved directly with the Compact are: The Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights - UNHCHR, the UN Environment Programme – UNEP, the International Labor Organization – ILO, and the UN Development Program - UNDP. As a party to the Global Compact, Copel’s senior management states its commitment to the Compact’s ten Basic Principles:

Millennium Development Goals - MDGs

In September 2000, heads of 191 countries gathered at UN General Assembly and established a set of objectives to be pursued until 2015. The United Nations Millennium Development Goals - MDGs are time-bound development targets for countries and are directly related to the Global Compact principles. As a signatory to the Compact, Copel has contributed to the promotion and fulfillment of the eight MDGs:

Last update 11.04.15

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