COPEL - Companhia Paranaense de Energia COPEL – Companhia Paranaense de Energia


Transparency Portal

The Transparency Portal, established in june 24, aims to facilitate access to information on the Copel, as determined by the State Law n° 16,595/2010, Federal Law n° 12,527/2011 and Decree n° 4531/2012. The Company directly serves 4,456,326 consuming units, across 395 cities and 1,113 locations (districts, villages and settlements), located in the State of Paraná. This network consists of 3.5 million homes, 84 thousand plants, 378 thousand commercial establishments and 363 thousand rural properties. The staff is composed of 8,559 employees.

Rua Coronel Dulcídio, 800 − Batel − CEP 80420-170 − Curitiba - PR - Brasil
Acesso a InformaçãoCopyright 2011 COPEL Copel no ISE Bovespa Estado do Paraná